Publikationen 2012
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Wissenschaftliche Artikel
Böhm R. (2012): Discussion of ‘An analysis of global warming in the Alpine region based on nonlinear nonstationary time series models’ by Battaglia and Protopapas. Statistical Methods and Applications Online First, 9 August 2012, doi:10.1007/s10260-012-0201-8
Böhm R. (2012): Changes of regional climate variability in central Europe during the past 250 years. The European Physical Journal Plus 127/5, 54, doi:10.1140/epjp/i2012-12054-6
Chimani B., Matulla C., Böhm R., Hofstätter M. (2012): A new high resolution absolute temperature grid for the Greater Alpine Region back to 1780. International Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc.3574
Domonkos P., Venema V., Auer I., Mestre O., Brunetti M. (2012): The historical pathway toward more accurate homogenisation. Advances in Science and Research 8, 45–52, doi:10.5194/asr-8-45-2012
Haslinger K., Anders I., Hofstätter M. (2012): Regional Climate Modelling over complex terrain : an evaluation study of COSMO-CLM hindcast model runs for the Greater Alpine Region. Climate Dynamics. doi: 10.1007/s00382-012-1452-7
Hiebl J., Hofstätter M. (2012): No increasing multi-day regional temperature variability in Austria following climate warming. Climatic Change 113, 733–750, doi:10.1007/s10584-011-0389-x
Hofstätter M., Chimani B. (2012): Van Bebber’s cyclone tracks at 700 hPa in the Eastern Alps for 1961–2002 and their comparison to Circulation Type Classifications. Meteorol. Z. 21/ 5, 489–503, doi:10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0473
Kapeller S., Lexer M.J., Geburek T., Hiebl J., Schueler S. (2012): Intraspecific variation in climate response of Norway spruce in the eastern Alpine range: Selecting appropriate provenances for future climate. Forest Ecology and Management 271, 46–57, doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2012.01.039
Matulla C., Hofstätter M., Auer I., Böhm R., Maugeri M., von Storch H., Krueger O. (2012): Storminess in northern Italy and the Adriatic Sea reaching back to 1760. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 40–41, 80–85, doi:10.1016/j.pce.2011.04.010
Matzarakis A., Hämmerle M., Endler C., Koch E., Rudel E. (2012): The climate tourism potential of Alpine destinations using the example of Sonnblick, Rauris and Salzburg. Theor Appl Climatol DOI 10.1007/s00704-012-0686-y
Matzarakis A., Hämmerle M., Endler C., Muthers S., Koch E. (2012): Assessment of tourism and recreation destinations under climate change conditions in Austria. Meteorologische Zeitschrift, Vol. 21, No. 2, 157-165 (April 2012), DOI 10.1127/0941-2948/2012/0342
Nemec J., Gruber C., Chimani B., Auer I. (2012): Trends in extreme temperature indices in Austria based on a new homogenised dataset. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.3532
Schöner W., Böhm R., Auer I. (2012): 125 years of high-mountain research of Sonnblick Observatory (Austrian Alps) – from “the house above the clouds” to a unique research platform. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 109, doi:10.1007/s00704-012-0689-8
Schöner W., Boeckli l., Hausmann H., Otto J., Reisenhofer S., Riedl C., Seren S. (2012): Spatial Patterns of Permafrost at Hoher Sonnblick (Austrian Alps) - Extensive Field-measurements and Modelling Approaches. Austrian Journal of Earth Science 105/2, (PDF-Datei; 3.5 MB)
Springer C., Matulla C., Watson E., Wagner S., Schöner W., Steinacker R. (2012): Downscaled GCM projections of winter and summer mass balance for Central European glaciers (2000-2100) from ensemble simulations with ECHAM5-MPIOM. International Journal of Climatology, doi:10.1002/joc.3511
Stocker-Waldhuber M., Wiesenegger H., Abermann J., Hynek B., Fischer A. (2012): A new glacier inventory of the province of Salzburg, Austria 2007/2009. Zeitschrift für Gletscherkunde und Glazialgeologie, Band 43/44 (2009/10).
Venema V.K.C., Mestre O., Aguilar E., Auer I., Guijarro J.A., Domonkos P., Vertacnik G., Szentimrey T., Stepanek P., Zahradnicek P., Viarre J., Müller-Westermeier G., Lakatos M., Williams C.N., Menne M.J., Lindau R., Rasol D., Rustemeier E., Kolokythas K., Marinova T., Andresen L., Acquaotta F., Fratianni S., Cheval S., Klancar M., Brunetti M., Gruber C., Prohom Duran M., Likso T., Esteban P., Brandsma T. (2012): Benchmarking homogenization algorithms for monthly data. Climate of the Past 8, 89–115, doi:10.5194/cp-8-89-2012
Venema V.K.C., Mestre O., Aguilar E., Auer I., Guijarro J.A., Domonkos P., Vertacnik G., Szentimrey T., Stepanek P., Zahradnicek P., Viarre J., Müller-Westermeier G., Lakatos M., Williams C.N., Menne M.J., Lindau R., Rasol D., Rustemeier E., Kolokythas K., Marinova T., Andresen L., Acquaotta F., Fratianni S., Cheval S., Klancar M., Brunetti M., Gruber C., Prohom Duran M., Likso T., Esteban P., Brandsma T., Willett K. (2012). Detecting and repairing inhomogeneities in datasets, assessing current capabilities. Bull. Am. Meteorol. Soc., 93/7, 951-954.
Wielgolaski F., Sparks T., Koch E., Keatley M., (2012): PHENOLOGY AND CLIMATE CHANGE, in Soils, Plant Growth and Crop Production ,[Eds. UNESCO-EOLSS Joint Committee], in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems(EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, []
Binder D., Schöner W., Abermann J., Hynek B., Olefs M., Weyss G.: Potential water storage mechanism during a glacial lake outburst. In: BGA New Advances in Geophysics 2012. London, Großbritannien, 09.02–10.02.2012 (PDF-Datei; 2,3 MB)
Haslinger K., Chimani B., Böhm R.: 200 years of liquid and solid precipitation in major river systems originating in the Greater Alpine Region. In: EGU General Assembly 2012. Wien, Österreich, 22.04–27.04.2012. (PDF-Datei; 37 KB)
Hofstätter M., Chimani B.: Circulation Type Classifications and their nexus to Van Bebber’s storm track Vb. . In: EGU General Assembly 2012. Wien, Österreich, 22.04–27.04.2012. (PDF-Datei; 37 KB)
Hynek B., Unger R., Schöner W., Binder D., Weyss G.: Comparison of direct and geodetic mass balances of three small glaciers in the Eastern Alps. In: EGU General Assembly 2012. Wien, Österreich, 22.04–27.04.2012. (PDF-Datei; 35 KB)
Karner C., Lugschitz H., Tschanett S., Ratheiser M., Gepp W., Kaufmann H., Beck A.: (2012): Effects from downbursts on overhead lines; Meteorological thunderstorm study – climatological, meteorological and CFD analysis, Cigré 26-31.08.2012, B2 207
Koch E., Lipa W., Ungersböck M., Zach-Hermann S.:(2012): – the Pan European Phenological Database. Phenology 2012 Konferenz 10.-12.09.2012, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Koch E., Ungersböck M., Lipa W., Zach-Hermann S.:(2012): PEP725 Pan European Phenological Database, EGU 2012, Vienna,
Nemec J., Zuvela-Aloise M., Kossmann M.: Application of an urban climate model to several Austrian cities located in complex topography, European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012. Wien, Österreich, 22.04–27.04.2012. (PDF-Datei; 35 KB)
Olefs M., Schöner W.: A new solar radiation model for research and applications in Austria. In: EGU General Assembly 2012. Wien, Österreich, 22.04–27.04.2012. (PDF-Datei; 33 KB)
Olefs M., Baumgartner D., Obleitner F., Weihs P.: The ARAD Project: New radiation initiatives in Austria. In: 12th BSRN Scientific and Review Workshop. Potsdam, Germany, 01.08.2012. (
Olefs M., Schöner W., Mair M., Baumgartner, D.: The Sonnblick Mountain Observatory as a future BSRN Station. In: 12th BSRN Scientific and Review Workshop. Potsdam, Germany, 01.08.2012. (
Scheifinger H., Schöngaßner T., Zuvala-Aloise M.: (2012): Direct attribution of the anthropogenic signal to PHENological observations. DATAPHEN EGU 2012, Vienna
Zuvela-Aloise M., Nemec J., Früh B, Böhm R.: Future climate scenarios of urban heat stress in Vienna. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2012, Vienna, Austria, 22.04–27.04.2012. (PDF-Datei; 35 KB)