Forschung / Geophysik / Publikationen / Publikationen - 2005

Publikationen - 2005

Die im Jahre 2005 von der Abteilung für Geophysik veröffentlichten wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten finden Sie unter diesem Menüpunkt.

J. Berger, G. Duma, B. Leichter, 2005. Repeat station measurements in Austria in the recent years, 2nd Workshop on European Magnetic Repeat Station Survey, Warsaw, 6 – 8 Apr 2005, Workshop CD, Institute of Geodesy and Cartography, Warsaw.

G. Duma, 2005. Earthquake activity controlled by the regular induced telluric currents, International Workshop on Seismo Electromagnetics IWSE-2005, Tokyo, Japan, March 15-17, 2005, University of Electro-Communications, Proceedings, 40-43

G. Duma, 2005. A significant electromagnetic process controls earthquake activity, General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005; Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 02860, 2005, European Geosciences Union.

G. Duma, 2005. Telluric currents add stress to seismoactive zones and regulate earthquake activity, General Assembly 2005, Vienna, Austria, 24-29 April 2005; Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 02070, 2005, European Geosciences Union

Flesch, R., Lenhardt., W.A. & Geier, R. 2005. Schadensbeben in Österreich – Beurteilung bestehender Bauwerke. Bautechnik 82, Heft 8, 533-538.

Hammerl, Ch, 2005. Historische Erdbeben in Kärnten mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des Bebens vom 4.Mai 1201. Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Gmünd/Kärnten, 12.-16. September 2005, 125-128.

Lenhardt, W.A. & Melichar, P. 2005. Die Erdbebenstation ARSA im Schau- und Lehrstollen von Arzberg in der Steiermark. Joannea Geol. Paläont. 7, 77-89.

Lenhardt, W. 2005. Warum die Wiener Erde bebt. In Karl Brunner, Petra Schneider (Hg.): Umwelt Stadt. Geschichte des Natur- und Lebensraumes Wien. Band 1 der Reihe „Wiener Umweltstudien“, Hg. von Axel Borsdorf. Böhlau Verlag, Wien, 659 Seiten, S.300.

Lenhardt, W.A. 2005. Erdbebenerfassung in Kärnten. Arbeitstagung der Geologischen Bundesanstalt in Gmünd/Kärnten, 12.-16. September 2005, 117-123.

Reiter, F., Lenhardt, W.A. & Brandner, R. 2005. Evidence of the Brenner Normal Fault (Tyrol, Austria) from seismological and GPS data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 10302, 2005, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-10302, Poster & abstract, European Geosciences Union, General Assembly, 24.-29.4.2005, Vienna.

Reiter, F., Lenhardt, W.A. & Brandner, R. 2005. Indications for activity of the Brenner Normal Fault zone (Tyrol, Austria) from seismological and GPS data. Austrian Journal of Earth Sciences, Vol.97, 16-23.

Sirri Seren, Alois Eder-Hinterleitner, Peter Melichar, Wolfgang Neubauer, 2005. Comparison of Different GPR Systems and Antenna Configurations at the Roman Site Carnuntum; Proceedings of the 6Th International Conference on Archeological Prospection, Nationa Reserche Council, Rome, Italy

Wolfgang Neubauer, K. Löcker, A. Eder-Hinterleitner, P. Melichar, 2005. Geophysical Prospection of Middle Neolithic Circular Ring Ditch Systems in Lower Austria; Proceedings of the 6Th International Conference on Archeological Prospection, Nationa Reserche Council, Rome, Italy

S. S. Seren, A. Eder-Hinterleitner, 2005. A new Approach for Detection of the Geological Features Ahead of the Tunnel during Excavation, Proceedings of Near Surface 2005 Conference, Palermo, Italy

S. S. Seren, A. Eder-Hinterleitner, K. Löcker, 2005. GPR Survey of the Byzantine Monastery San Pietro Di Deca in Torrenova, Messina, Italy; Proceedings of Near Surface 2005 Conference, Palermo, Italy