ZAMG's responsibilities include all activities generally carried out by national meteorological and geophysical services.
- Gathering, treatment and storage of results of meteorological and geophysical examinations
- Advisory and consulting services including expert opinions
- Dealing with meteorological and geophysical questions connected to the protection of the environment
- Information, advice and warning in cases of crises and incidents as well as natural and environmental disasters
- Climatological and geophysical survey of Austria
- Practice-oriented research in the complete field of meteorology and geodynamics including related sciences
- Cooperation with meteorological and geophysical initutions in Austria, other countries and on an international basis
- Promotion of international co-operation between meteorology and geodynamics and other sciences
Customer-orientated solutions
We offer a comprehensive service for construction projects:
- Risk of earthquakes
- Ground examinations
- Vibration measurements
- Aspects of climatology and environmental meteorology
- Weather forecasts during construction
We provide information and advice to the energy sector for the efficient use of conventional and alternative resources.
Research institutions and engineers have access to our meteorological and geomagnetical measurement data.
We provide immission analyses and forecasts to industry and trade companies within the framework of examinations on the compatibility of planned developements with the environment. This includes measurements and evaluations in the field of environmental meteorology and geophysics as listed above. The measurements are carried out with state-of-the-art technology.
In agriculture, which is highly dependent on weather, decisions regarding the right times to water the crops and to harvest them as well as what pesticides to use are advised on with help and knowledge.
We provide the media with news and forecasts for a period of up to ten days.
Law courts and insurance companies use our comprehensive data archive to support their judgements of damage in cases concerning natural causes and disasters.
Our forecasts help the road winter service to increase road safety, reduce personnel cost and cost of material and preserve the environment by using not more than the required amount of grit and thawing agents.
Tourism, mountaineering and sports profit from our specific forecasts and from our worldwide data archive for the planning of holiday and leisure activities.
We use special geophysical methods to solve archaeological problems and find contaminated ground sites.