

The history of the Geophysical Service at the GeoSphere Austria, former Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), can be traced back to 1851.

It was between 1846 and 1851 that Karl Kreil, the first director of the ZAMG, conducted the first geomagnetic survey of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire whereby the study of geomagnetics began in Austria.

After the earthquake in Ljubljana in Slovenia in 1895, seismological investigations under the auspices of the Austrian Academy of Sciences began, which culminated in the establishment of the Seismological Service of Austria in 1904 at the ZAMG. Today, the activities of the department also include environmental and applied geophysics as well as hosting the Austrian National Data Centre (NDC–AT) for the observation of nuclear tests worldwide within the frame of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO). In addition, the department maintains strong links with the Austrian Geophysical Society (AGS) and the Austrian Society for Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics (OGE).

The department contributes worldwide to the understanding of processes in the Earth’s interior. This information also assists in dealing effectively with natural hazards which may affect people, buildings, dams and construction sites. It also supplies the Austrian Federal Warning Agency, the Austrian Army and Non-Governmental Organizations with information regarding natural disasters elsewhere. 

Geophysicists study the internal structure of the earth using gravity, magnetic, electrical and seismic methods to investigate the evolution of the earth, earthquakes, tsunamis, landslides, changes of the Earth’s magnetic field and volcanoes. In addition, magnetic and geo-electrical measurements and georadar are used to detect hidden waste deposits, natural resources and last but not least historical artefacts (ArcheoProspections®).

For enquiries please contact:

Austrian Geophysical Service

Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik
PO Box 342, A-1191 Vienna, Austria
Telephone. +43 1 360 26 ext. 2502, Fax: +43 1 368 66 21


GeoSphere Austria is an institution under public law and subject to supervison by the
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research
© GeoSphere Austria
1190 Vienna, Hohe Warte 38
Phone: +43 1 36 0 26
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