Climate / Climate Customer Service

Climate Customer Service

ZAMG's experts provide consulting on climate data and statistics, climate reports and more for all over Austria.

Selected data is avaliable for free from Climate Data. For more detailed information we offer the expertise of our meteorologists to insurance companies, energy suppliers, constructions companies and many other sectors and industries.

We are also active in the field of wind energy and provide accurate and reliable expertise and predictions for wind turbines in Austria and internationally.

General inquiries please send to

ZAMG provides the following services:

Data and statistics:

  • Measurement data for different locations and dates (min-,10-min-, hourly-, daily-, monthly- based for temperature, pressure, precipitation, humidity, wind etc.).
  • Frequency distributions
  • Extreme value statistics
  • Heating degree days and cooling degree hours


Expertise and Consultings:

  • Expertise on weather, detailed data on past weather
  • Climate Expertise
  • Expertise on wind energy
  • Environmental impact assessments
GeoSphere Austria is an institution under public law and subject to supervison by the
Federal Ministry Republic of Austria Education, Science and Research
© GeoSphere Austria
1190 Vienna, Hohe Warte 38
Phone: +43 1 36 0 26
E-Mail •••
to the Weatherwarnings for today to the Weatherwarnings for tomorrow to the Weatherwarnings for the day after tomorrow to the Weatherwarnings for day 4 to the Weatherwarnings for day 5 to the Weatherwarnings for today to the Warningssystem
Teaser ZAMG Phenology
Sonnblick Observatory
Sonnblick Observatory (© ZAMG)
Teaser ZAMG Phenology