Enhanced Cumulus - Key Parameters


Equivalent thickness and temperature advection at 700 hPa

13 January 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; green: equivalent thickness 500/850 hPa, blue: thermal front parameter 500/850 hPa, red: temperature advection 700 hPa
24 April 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; green: equivalent thickness 500/850 hPa, blue: thermal front parameter 500/850 hPa, red: temperature advection 700 hPa

The example of 24th of April is better since the most of ECs are located within the cold air.

Height contours and Vorticity Advection at 500 and/or 300 hPa

13 January 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; cyan: height contours 500 hPa, green: vorticity advection 500 hPa
24 April 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; cyan: height contours 500 hPa, green: vorticity advection 500 hPa

Isotachs and PVA at 500 and/or 300 hPa

24 April 2008/12.00 UTC Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; yellow: isotachs 500 hPa, green: vorticity advection 500 hPa
24 April 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; yellow: isotachs 300 hPa, red: voriticity advection 300 hPa
13 January 2008/12.00 UTC Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; yellow: isotachs 500 hPa, green: voriticity advection 500 hPa
13 January 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; yellow: isotachs 300 hPa, red: voriticity advection 300 hPa

In both cases the PVA at 500 hPa is evident. The PVA at 300 hPa is not seen in this two examples. One of the reason is that this cases are winter cases when the tropopase is much lower then in the summer time. The PVA shows its maximum usually bethween 700 and 300 hPa, so it is more notable at 500 hPa then at 300 hPa.


24 April 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; green: equivalent thickness 500/850 hPa, yellow: Showalter index
13 January 2008/12.00 UTC - Meteosat 9 IR10.8 image; green: equivalent thickness 500/850 hPa, yellow: Showalter index

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