6th ECSN Data Management Workshop

20th — 22nd November 2007
Palais Ferstel, Vienna









The workshop is a sequel to earlier workshops in Sweden (1996), Norway (1999), Germany (2001), Finland (2003) and The Netherlands (2005).

During the last decades, economical growth, changes in public policy and individual human behavior resulted in an increased vulnerability of society and ecosystems to the increasing pressures of climate change. Assessments of possible future climate evolution and its impact on ecosystems, society and economy crucially depend on the quality of the data they are based on. Hence, accurate and precise climate data is of essential importance not only for climate research itself but for all business sectors or other related activities exposed to everchanging weather and climatic conditions (e.g. agriculture, infrastructure, climate related planning, tourism, climate sensitive technical projects, etc.).

The spatial variability of climatic conditions is not always adequately mapped by the existing observational networks which aim to provide high quality standards. Therefore, advanced gridding methods or other interpolation techniques together with state-of-the-art visualization tools, such as GIS, need to be advanced and applied.

The realistic description of temporal variability, that is essential to any assessment on climate change, creates an additional demand on high quality climate data (homogeneity, outliers…) and on efficient and precise tools for data exchange and procession.

Especially Europe, a politically and administratively patchy continent with challenging goals in climate policy, has a great need for effective and common strategies to overcome national limitations and deficits.

The following 5 main topics are identified:

  • Data recovery, rescue, very long series:
    convenor: Aryan van Engelen (KNMI) co-convenor: Ingeborg Auer (ZAMG)
  • New tools for data Q-control:
    convenor: Wolfgang Lipa (ZAMG) co-convenor: Reinhold Steinacker (University of Vienna)
  • Homogenisation (e.g. comparison of different methods, metadata, daily data):
    convenor: Olivier Mestre (MétéoFrance) co-convenor: Leopold Haimberger (University of Vienna)
  • Gridding (e.g. Eurogrid, Cost 719, Tmap):
    convenor: Ole Einar Tveito (Met.no) co-convenor: Christoph Frei (MeteoSwiss)
  • Data Services and Products (e.g. ECA&D, Unidart, EuClis, HISTALP, GPCC):
    convenor: Peter Bissolli (DWD) co-convenor: John Prior (UK Met Office)