09 September 2004/12.00 UTC - Meteosat IR image

Complete the following statements!

In the Occlusion stage of a frontal cloud system the cloud spiral of the Occlusion, the Cold Front band and the Warm Front cloud band can be discriminated. What is the relation the cloud configuration of an Instant Occlusion cloud spiral to that of the Cold Front and Warm Front cloud band? The Instant Occlusion cloudiness is ...

The relation between jet axis and cloud configurations in a fully developed occlusion stage helps to discriminate between the different types of Occlusions. The location of the jet axis is also indicated by a dark stripe in the WV image. In the case of an Instant Occlusion the black stripe is parallel to ...

The texture and cloud top temperatures of the three types of fronts in an occluded frontal system (Cold Front band, Warm Front band, and Occlusion spiral) is different for the different types of Occlusions. In the case of an Instant Occlusion, the texture and cloud top temperature of the Occlusion spiral are ...

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