Environment / Current contents / 1st Chinese-Austrian Workshop on Environmental Odour

1st Chinese-Austrian Workshop on Environmental Odour

Odour Emission - Dispersion - Impact Assessment – Abatement

Tianjin University, Tianjin, China
11th & 12th February 2015

Environmental odour is a major concern of residents in the vicinity of odour sources. This workshop was treating the entire chain from the odour source, the dilution in the atmosphere up to the perception of odour by the nose of residents.
The Proceedings of the 1st Chinese-Austrian Workshop on Environmental Odour are available at Austrian Contributions to Veterinary Epidemiology as open access extended abstracts. The Workshop was organised in cooperation with the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik and sponsored by Eurasia-Pacific-Uninet.

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