Forschung / Geophysik / Publikationen / Publikationen - 2016

Publikationen - 2016

Nachstehend finden Sie die Publikationen der Abteilung Geophysik aus dem Jahre 2016.

Publikationen GEOPHYSIK 2016 (fett = peer reviewed)

1.    Pesaresi, D., Picozzi, M., Zivcic, M., Lenhardt, W., Mucciarelli, M., Elia, L., Zollo, A.& Gosar, A. 2016. A cross-border earthquake early warning system: PRESTo@CE3RN. Natural Hazards, 1-10. DOI: 10.1007/s11069-016-2695-0.

2.    Lenhardt, W., Pesaresi, D., Živčić, M., Costa, G., Kuk, K., Bondár, I., Duni, L. & Spacek, P. 2016. The CE3R Network: current status and future perspectives. Abstract EGU 2016. EGU2016 SM7.1 session "Integrated Research Infrastructures and Services in Geosciences".

3.    Fuchs, F. & Lenhardt, W. 2016. Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements. 76. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Geophysikalischen Gesellschaft e.V., Münster, 4.1 Geohazards: Landslides, Abstract Nr. A-332.

4.    Fuchs, F. & Lenhardt, W. 2016. Seismic detection and characterization of gravitational mass movements. NH3.3/SSS12.28, EGU abstract.

5.    Baroň, I., Koktavý, P., Stemberk, J., Macků, R., Trčka, T., Škarvada, P., Lenhardt, W., Meurers, B., Rowberry, M., Marti, X., Plan, L., Grasemann, B. & Mitrovič, I. 2016. Underground electromagnetic activity of two regions with different seismicity: a case study from the Eastern Alps and Bohemian Massif. NH4.7/AS4.37/EMRP4.21/SM3.5, EGU abstract.

6.    Binder, D., Lenhardt, W. 2016. SeisRockHT - Seismic Rockfall Monitoring in the Hohe Tauern region. NH3.14/GM8.12/SSS2.29 , EGU abstract.

7.    Weber, L., Lenhardt, W., Möstl, F., Götzl, G., Weilbold, J. & Reitner, F. 2016. Der Schau- und Lehrstollen Arzberg /Steiermark - Beispiel für eine intelligente Nachnutzung eines Altbergbaus. Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte, Jvn. Jg. (2016), Heft XX, DOI 10.1007/s00501-016-0467-5.

8.    Gerner, A., Grasemann, B., Lenhardt, W. & Sleeman, R. 2016. Self-Noise of the STS-2 and sensitivity of its computation to errors in alignment of sensors. EGU abstract.

9.    Gerner, A., Grasemann, B. & Lenhardt, W. 2016. A Cluster of Deep, Subcrustal Seismicity in the Northern Alpine Foreland of Austria. EAGE.

10.    Arneitz, P., Leonhardt, R. & Fabian, K. 2016. A new global geomagnetic model based on archeomagnetic, volcanic and historical records. EGU2016-14343.

11.    Ruotsalainen, H., Papp,G., Leonhardt, R., Ban, D., Szücs, E. &  Benedek, J. 2016. Comparison of broad band time series recorded parallel by FGI type interferometric water level and Lippmann type pendulum tilt meters at Conrad observatory, Austria. EGU2016-6932.

12.    Schnepp, E., Leonhardt, R., Korte, M., Klett-Drechsel, J., Validity of archaeomagnetic field recording: an experimental pottery kiln at Coppengrave, Germany, 2016, Geophys. J. Int., DOI_101093/gji/ggw043.

13.    Baron, I., Plan, L., Grasemann, B., Mitrovic, I., Lenhardt, W., Hausmann, H. & Sternberk, J. 2016. Can deep seated gravitational slope deformations be activated by regional tectonic strain: First insights from displacement measurements in caves from the Eastern Alps. Geomorphology 259, 81–89,

14.    Hausmann, H., Weginger, St., H. Horn, Vogelmann, A., Steiner, R., Jia, Y. & Lenhardt, W. 2016. Two new Broadband Stations of the Austrian Seismic Network (OE/ZAMG). 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-538.

15.    Gerner, A., Lenhardt, W., Grasemann, B. & Sleeman, R. 2016. Improving self-noise estimates of seismic sensors by coherency and alignment analysis. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-525.

16.    Gerner, A., Sleeman, R., Lenhardt, W. & Grasemann, B. 2016. Improving Self-Noise Estimates of Broadband Seismometers by 3-D Trace Rotation. Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 88, No. 1, 1-8.

17.    Bailey R., Leonhardt R., 2016. Automated detection of geomagnetic storms with heightened risk of GIC, Earth, Planets and Space. 2016, 68:99, DOI: 10.1186/s40623-016-0477-2, URL:

18.    Jia, Y., Weginger, S., Horn, N., Hausmann, H. & Lenhardt, W. 2016. Project of Near-Real-Time Generation of ShakeMaps and a New Hazard Map in Austria. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-115.

19.    Caffagni, E., Bokelmann, G., Lenhardt, W. Joswig, M. & Sauter, M. 2016. Induced Seismicity connections: from hydraulic fracturing to knowledge gaps, regulations, and mitigation strategy. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-437.

20.    Weginger, S., Jia, Y. & Lenhardt, W. 2016. Austrian empirical seismic ground motion models and site effects. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-116.

21.    Ludwig, P., Bishop, Sh., Egli, R., Chernenko, V., Deneva, B., Faestermann, Th., Famulaok, N., Fimiani, L., Gomez-Guzman, J.-M., Hain K., Korschinek, G., Hanzlik, M., Merchel, S. & Rugel, G. 2016. Time-resolved 2-million year-old supernova activity discovered in Earth’s microfossil record. Proceedings if the National Academy of Sciences of the United States (PNAS) 113, 9232-9237,

22.    Papí Isaba, M. d. P., Jia, Y. & Weginger, S. 2016. Intensity prediction equation and event epicenter determination for Austria. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-243.

23.    Kysel, R., Labak, P. & Hammerl, Ch. 2016. A state-of-the-art of the investigation of 1858 Zilina (Slovakia) earthquake. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-619.

24.    Hammerl, Ch. & Ferschin, P. 2016. A Conceptual Framework for Spatial and Temporal Visualisations of Historical and Recent Earthquake Data. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-541.

25.    Cecić, I., Meurers, R., Tertulliani, A., Grünthal, G., Kaiser, D., Pazdirková, J. & Sović, I. 2016. 6 May Friuli Earthquake – Re-evaluation of Macroseismic Data. 35th General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission. ESC2016-516.

26.    Kompein, N.; Egli, R.; Leichter, B. & Leonhardt, R., 2016. Anthropogenic signals in magnetic timeseries, in Conrad Observatory Journal, Scientific Contributions 2014-2015, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna.

27.    Arneitz, P. & Leonhardt, R., 2016. HISTMAG - Database for historical geomagnetic data, in Conrad Observatory Journal, Scientific Contributions 2014-2015, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna.

28.    Bailey, R. & Leonhardt, R., 2016. Automated geomagnetic storm detection at the Conrad Observatory, in Conrad Observatory Journal, Scientific Contributions 2014-2015, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna.

29.    Schnepp, L. & Leonhardt, R. 2016. Testing rehydroxylation dating of ceramics, in Conrad Observatory Journal, Scientific Contributions 2014-2015, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Vienna

30.    Leonhardt, R.; Egli, R.; Leichter, B.; Herzog, I.; Kornfeld, R.; Bailey, R.; Kompein. Conrad Observatory: Magnetic Results 2015 GMO Bulletin 2, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik,Vienna, 2016.

31.    Leonhardt, R.; Bailey, R. & Miklavec, M., 2016. Working with IAGA and INTERMAGNET one-second standard data sets: The MagPy Python package, IAGA Workshop 2016.

32.    Bailey, R. & Leonhardt, R., 2016. Modelling Geomagnetically Induced Currents in Austria at the Conrad Observatory, IAGA Workshop 2016.

33.    Kompein, N.; Pleschberger, R.; Egli, R.; Leichter, B. & Leonhardt, R., 2016. A comparison between Conrad Observatory and the old Wien Cobenzl observatory: Insights into anthropogenic ground currents, IAGA Workshop 2016.

34.    Shah, J.; Koppers, A. A.; Leitner, M.; Leonhardt, R.; Muxworthy, A. R.; Heunemann, C.; Bachtadse, V.; Ashley, J. A. & Matzka, J., 2016. Palaeomagnetic evidence for the persistence or recurrence of geomagnetic main field anomalies in the South Atlantic, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 441, 113-124.

35.    Arneitz, P.; Leonhardt, R.; Heilig, B.; Schnepp, E.; Mayrhofer, F.; Hejda, P.; Vadasz, G.; Kovács, P.; Valach, F.; Hammerl, C.; Egli, R. & Fabian, K., 2016. HISTMAG: A database that combines historical, archeomagnetic, and paleomagnetic data - structure and applications, 15th Castle Meeting, Dinant, Belgium.

36.    Arneitz, P.; Draxler, A. & Leonhardt, R., 2016. Wurden Kirchen mit dem magnetischen Kompass orientiert? Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Archäoastronomie, Wien.

37.    Seren, S.S., Totschnig, R. & Ladstätter, S. 2016. Geophysical Survey of the Harbour Area of Ephesos. International Workshop “Rome`s Mediterranean Ports Project” in Rome, 28th January – 29th January 2016.

38.    Schneidhofer, P., Nau, E., Hinterleitner, A., Lugmayr, A., Bill, J., Gansum, T., Paasche, K., Seren, S.S., Neubauer, W., Draganits, E. & Trinks, I. 2016. Palaeoenvironmental analysis of large-scale, high-resolution GPR and magnetometry data sets: the Viking Age site of Gokstad in Norway. Archaeol Anthropol Sci, pp 1-27.

39.    X. Zhao, R. Egli, S. Gilder, Y. Xu, K. He, and S. Müller (2016). Microbially-assisted recording of the Earth’s magnetic field in sediment, Nature Communications 7, doi; 10.1028/ncomms10673.

40.    Bezaeva, N.S., N.L. Swanson-Hysell, S.M. Tikoo, D.D. Badyukov, M. Kars, R. Egli, D.A. Chareev, L.M. Fairchild, E. Khakhalova, B.E. Strauss et al. (2016). The effects to 10 to >160 GPa shock on the magnetic properties of basalt and diabase, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geopsystems 17, 4735-4771, doi: 10.1002/ 2016GC006583.