Forschung / Geophysik / Publikationen / Publikationen - 2010

Publikationen - 2010

Hier sind die Publikationen der Abteilung für Geophysik aus dem Jahre 2010 in alphabetischer Ordnung einsehbar.

Bragato, P., Costa, G., Horn, N., Pahor, J., Pesaresi, D., Lenhardt, W. & Zivcic, M. .2010. The usage of Antelope for acquiring end exchanging data in South-Eastern Alps: present configuration and future perspectives. Abstract, General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 6.9.-10.9., Montpellier.

Fabian, K. and Leonhardt, R., 2010. Multiple-specimen absolute paleointensity determination: An optimal protocol including pTRM normalization, domain-state correction, and alteration test. Earth Plant. Sci. Lett., 297, 84-94.

Ferk, A., von Aulock, F., Leonhardt, R., Hess, K.-U., Dingwell, D.B. 2010. A cooling rate bias in paleointensity determination from volcanic glass: an experimental demonstration. J. Geophys. Res., 115, B08102, doi:10.1029/2009JB006964.

Hammerl, Ch.,2010. Earthquakes, in: Berkshire Encyclopedia of World History, Senior Editor: William H. McNeill. 6 volumes. 2nd edition (Great Barrington MA 2010).

Hammerl, Ch. Abstract, General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission, 6.9.-10.9.2010, Montpellier.

Hammerl, Ch., Lenhardt, W., Leonhardt, R. & Granser, H. 2010. Victor Conrad: Eponym for Austria’s new Earth Observatory. In “First Break” der EAGE. In print.

Häusler, H., Lenhardt, W. & Hammerl, Ch. 2010. Neotektonik. In Häusler, H. 2010. Erläuterungen zur Geologischen Karte 78 Rust. Geologische Bundesanstalt, Wien, 97-99.

Lenhardt, W.A., 2010. Seismologische Grundlagen erdbebenbedingter Gebäudebelastungen, Österr. Ingenieur- und Architekten-Zeitschrift, 155. Jg., Heft 1-3/2010 und Heft 4-6/2010, 45-48.

Leonhardt, R., Fabian, K. & Schnepp, E. 2010. Holocene global geomagnetic field reconstruction based on archeomagnetic data: Assessing error sources and uncertainties. Abstract EGU

Leonhardt, R., Saleh, A., Ferk, A., 2010. Archaeomagnetic field intensity during the Roman period at Siwa and Bahryn oasis, Egypt: Implications for the fidelity of Egyptian archaeomagnetic data. Archaeometry, 52, 502-516.

Leonhardt, R., Fabian, K., and Schnepp, E., 2010. Holocene global geomagnetic field reconstruction based on archeomagnetic data: Assessing error sources and uncertainties, Abstract EGU 2010.

Leonhardt, R., Gegenhuber, N.M. and Götzl, G., 2010. PETROBASE: Eine Datenbank für gesteinsmagnetische Parameter, Journal of Alpine Geology, 52, 168.

Leonhardt, R., 2010. Observing the Earth’s magnetic field at the Conrad Observatory, Austria, Journal of Alpine Geology, 52, 168.

Nasir, A., Lenhardt, W., Hintersberger, E. & Decker, K. 2010. Assessing the completeness of historical earthquake records in Austria and surrounding Central Europe. Abstract EGU.